Record investment in digital marketing technology forecast for this year


Companies are planning record investment in digital marketing technology this year, according to a new report from Econsultancy, in partnership with Oracle Marketing Cloud.

The research, part of an annual Marketing Budgets Report, found that 79% of companies are planning to increase their spending specifically on digital marketing technology – the biggest investment since the research was launched in 2010 and an increase of 13% on last...

Do B2B marketers have a trust issue when seeking external help?


Outsourcing provides a company with experienced assistance that might not normally be available from its own internal staff, but could this solution be on its way out in B2B marketing circles?

Hinge, a professional services marketing, gathered responses from 530 professional services firms for its 2015 Professional Services Marketing Priorities report to find that only 13.2% exclusively use external resources.

The overwhelming trend is for...

Software should do more to infiltrate the sales and marketing divide


Sales and marketing departments are not collaborating enough and the onus should be on software companies to bring these silos together for the good of their business.

New research from CallidusCloud states that only 15.7% of respondents have aligned the two departments in their organisation, 63% do not fully share data and 62.5% have all or part of their lead data in systems that are only visible to marketing.

An abysmal 41% of sales and...

Marketing technology industry set for explosive revenue gains


Companies investing in marketing technology will continue to raise their budgets, with global vendor revenue forecasted to touch $32.2 billion by 2018.

The projections, part of an IDC webinar on the marketing software revolution, reveal a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.4% and total spend of $130 billion across the five-year stretch between 2014 and 2015.

Customer relationship management software is a sizable growth sector of...

Apple mobile device targeting leads wave of updates to Adobe Marketing Cloud

Picture credit: iStockphoto

Adobe has rolled out support for iBeacon in the latest batch of updates to its Adobe Marketing Cloud product, making it possible for marketers to target content using the location of shoppers.

Media can now be sent across a number of channels to consumers, with marketers being able to deliver a promotional message through a retailer’s app when a shopper is in a specific store.

Using Marketing Cloud, marketers are able to follow the...

Salesforce wants to break down the barriers between marketing, sales and customer service

Picture credit: iStockphoto

Customer relationship management (CRM) company Salesforce has taken the wraps off its latest edition of Social Studio.

While being primarily targeted at the burgeoning content marketing industry adding features that mean you might never need to use Twitter or Facebook’s interface again, Salesforce’s updated utility excels at enabling departments to collaborate on social engagement.

With Social Studio, marketers can use the...

Why you need to make the marketing cloud work for your business, not against it

Picture credit: iStockPhoto

According to Gartner Group, marketers are spending more money than ever buying technology. And it’s causing the CIO’s office some concern. With the advent of cloud computing, the CMO’s team can avoid the IT team and deploy technology directly onto their websites. 

Over the past decade, marketer demand for digital marketing technology has exploded to keep up with the rise of the connected consumer. Unlike the past, however,...

Scott Roth, Return Path CMO: What I learned from my mentor at ExactTarget

Picture credit: Return Path

Earlier this week, email marketing intelligence provider Return Path announced the appointment of Scott Roth as its new chief marketing officer. As reported, it was a particularly interesting move: Roth had been at ExactTarget, which was hoovered up by Salesforce, and was also partnered with Return Path for several years.

Roth’s new job spec includes everything from brand marketing to demand generation, but the first step is to improve...

CMOs embracing the cloud: The new frontier of customer experience

Picture credit: Pam Broviak/Flickr

In the past, apart from running the odd complex database query to create target lists, it was unnecessary for marketers to understand how technology platforms worked. The CRM and ERP systems and processes in place were adequate for the marketers’ needs.

With the rise of social media and digital marketing, CMOs are turning to cloud technologies with agile and cost effective CRM systems that enhance customer satisfaction, automate...

Salesforce announces CRM deal with Omnicom, utilises marketing cloud

Marketing comms provider Omnicom has sealed a deal with cloudy CRM provider to give Omnicom’s agencies more personalised communications through the ExactTarget Marketing Cloud.

The partnership means companies can ‘connect the dots’ between marketing, sales, communities and customer service, leveraging data from a variety of sources and devices.

“As marketers, you need to be wherever your customers touch your brand,” said Lynn...