Marketers engaging better with disabled consumers but barriers remain

A barrier blocking a road.

83% of businesses are doing more to provide accessibility in digital marketing than in the past, demographics such as age, gender and race are more often prioritized in marketing efforts.

This is according to the 2022 Accessible Marketing Survey conducted by Capterra, an online marketplace vendor serving as an intermediary between buyers and technology vendors within the software industry.

One in four American adults live with a physical or mental disability, yet they...

Influencers have become heart of the brand-consumer relationship

A love heart painted on a wall., a partnership management platform, in partnership with WARC, an international marketing intelligence company, have published a report on the rapidly evolving brand-influencer dynamic, which shows the disparity and alignment of perceptions of marketers and influencers, and offers guidance on how better alignment can lead to more effective and valuable partnerships.

The report, Aligning Marketers and Influencers: Shifting Perspectives on Influencer Marketing Across the...

B2B marketing’s need for speed

A car's speed dial.

Tom Cruise isn’t the only one who feels the need for speed. For years, B2C marketers have understood the power of the speed of the lead.

Now, B2B marketers are realising they can no longer reside in the slow lane. With competition for the ears and eyes of B2B buyers increasingly fierce, capitalising on the time when a lead is most receptive has never been more important.

With many enterprises weighed down by cumbersome, inefficient systems for managing lead data, the...

Less than half of UK businesses respond to online reviews

Smiley faces with a tick next to a happy face.

Just 44% of UK business respond to online reviews, according to a cross-category online brand reputation study of more than 500 organisations.

Moreover, 38% do not have local branch pages, and less than half (42%) employ UTM performance marketing tracking.

The study, conducted by digital performance marketing agency DAC Group, audited businesses across seven categories - automotive, fashion, finance, health & fitness, food & beverage, land & property and...

Why 2022 is the year of ‘relationship marketing’

A 2021-2022 diary and pen.

The way to engage with consumers is through real-time, hyper-personalised experiences, a new eConsultancy report, in partnership with Cheetah Digital reveals. The report, ‘2022 Digital Consumer Trends Index: Consumer Attitudes and Trends in Personalisation, Privacy, Messaging, Advertising and Brand Loyalty’ indicates that consumers across the UK interact with a brand on multiple channels, oftentimes unpredictably.

Speaking with Paula Thomas on her weekly podcast “Let’s...

5 steps to increasing business resilience through data maturity

Dany El-Eid, Adverity.

The role of data to empower business leaders to make better-informed decisions is seemingly ever increasing.

But, with the world’s economy becoming increasingly complex and volatile, it is the more digitally mature companies proving to be resilient to economic shocks.

In 2021, Dany El-Eid, director of North America at digital analytics software firm, Adverity, conducted a study into this topic. His research examined 10 companies’ strategies and tactics that have...

Almost half of CMOs feel data hinders creativity

A team planning with post-it notes.

42% of CMOs believe data is hindering creativity among marketing teams, according to a new report by Adverity, a data and analytics platform for marketing, sales and e-commerce teams.

The report, entitled 'Data, People, and Culture: The Evolving Role of the Modern CMO', surveyed 300 CMOs across the US, UK, and DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) from small to midsize businesses, to better understand how the role of the CMO is changing amid the growing digitalization of...

Can your customer loyalty program pass the ‘grandma test’?

An elderly lady washing carrots.

A best-in-class loyalty program goes way beyond traditional ‘points-for-purchase punchcards’. There’s also no one-size-fits-all customer loyalty template. The key to success is a data-driven loyalty strategy that combines customer data to create unique, personalised offers, resulting in increased engagement and revenue, according to András Szöcs, senior director and head of customer programs and centre of excellence at leading European retailer, Salling Group.


Marketing effectively in today’s multifaceted buying landscape

A collection of Sterling notes.

The buying landscape has changed. Two thirds of B2B buyers in the last year preferred remote human interactions and digital self-service over traditional buyer experiences - indicating that we’re seeing the end of old school selling. Buyers have more power than ever before, demanding smarter, more flexible, and quicker routes to purchase. The sales cycle has therefore become much more complicated, and many sales teams are falling behind as a result.

We’re entering a new era of...

Junior marketers are driving customer experience innovation

A team planning with post-it notes.

Junior marketers are playing a leading role in driving innovation, with 50% saying that trying out new techniques and ideas to improve customer experiences is a major part of their day-to-day activities, according to a survey from digital experience platform provider Optimizely.

In its Culture of Experimentation report, based on a survey of 200 UK in-house marketing executives, assistants and managers, Optimizely also highlights that 50% of marketing assistants are directly...