Mobile advertising and the immersive user experience


Nucleus [noo-klee-uh s, nyoo-] - A central part about which other parts are grouped or gathered; core.

While this is a term usually reserved for chemistry, it is also a perfect description for mobile devices, as they have become the centre of human existence.

What science tells us is that it is very difficult to penetrate nuclei, which is also the case when it comes to getting to the centre of consumer media engagement. The best...

Native advertising benchmarks shows users consume more on the move

Picture credit: iStockphoto

After serving more than one billion native ads on mobiles for publishers ranging from the Washington Post to Associated Press Polar claims to know a thing or two about native advertising on mobile and has revealed the figures to prove it.

The company has announced a series of 20 benchmarks on native advertising on mobile, as well as the reach of more than three billion when all devices are taken into account, that measure mobile native ads...

Native advertising sold programmatically for first time

Picture credit: iStockphoto

A new partnership claims it will deliver the industry’s first global programmatic platform for native advertising – enabling brands to increase their audience exposure. It will initially be launched in the US and UK and roll out to other markets later.

The partnership brings together Xaxis, the world’s largest programmatic media and technology platform, and Disqus, the web’s largest network of discussion communities. The new...