Getting beyond the buzzword of ‘agile’ digital marketing to improve your customer relationships

Mention the word “agile” in a business setting, and it may lead to furrowed brows and scratched heads. Agility creates a lot of buzz — and a lot of misinterpretation.

To clear up any confusion, agile generally refers to optimizing and managing workflows. According to McKinsey & Co., it involves “using data and analytics to continuously source promising opportunities or solutions to problems in real time, deploying tests quickly, evaluating the results, and rapidly...

Why your web team needs an invite to your strategy meetings now

I’ll give it to you straight: It is imperative that you invite your web team to your marketing strategy meetings. Your company’s website is one of its most valuable customer-facing marketing assets, so your website operations need to get serious about how web design enhances your marketing efforts.

New channels, new social media platforms, and other trends will come and go — and it will be important for your marketing team to experiment through each. But your company...

Four reasons your website needs to deliver a truly personalised experience

According to a survey of marketing professionals, 98% of marketers agree that personalisation improves customer relationships. Additionally, 88% believe their customers already expect their experiences to be personalised.

When companies fail to meet those expectations, customers can feel disappointed with a brand. Add on the challenge of exponentially shorter buying cycles, and businesses often struggle to deliver a positive personalised experience. This is especially...