Ru Roberts, Waze: On non-distracting and privacy-conscious advertising

MarketingTech caught up with Ru Roberts, UK Country Manager for Waze, to discuss how the popular satellite navigation app advertises to drivers in a responsible manner.

As a free app, Waze relies on advertising. However, displaying ads to drivers could be a recipe for disaster.

Waze has faced its fair share of criticisms in the past for distracting drivers. Early users will remember things like messages from random drivers popping up constantly. Fortunately, Waze heard...

Russia aided Trump’s campaign using every major social network

Donald Trump’s 2016 US presidential campaign received aid from Russia using every major social media network, a report has found.

A draft copy received by The Washington Post found the report studied millions of social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and others. The full report is due to be released this week.

Russia primarily targeted conservative and right-wing voters with messages around gun control and immigration to incentivise votes. In contrast, posts...

Twitter’s longer tweets go into effect on September 19th

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/hocus-focus)

Following the announcement back in May, Twitter will be implementing changes with regards to how characters in a tweet count towards its current limit on September 19th.

Those who struggle to fit their ramblings within 140 characters – myself included – will now have more space to express themselves or the brand they represent. Rather than expand the limit at risk of losing users who enjoy the short updates which Twitter...

Microsoft’s branding: The ship has caught sail, but can it repair its hull?

One of the biggest complaints about Microsoft in recent years is that the company is slow to take advantage of new trends. This is something which appears to have now changed. Windows Phone is the perfect example of this, but even if Microsoft had been quicker off the mark, would their reputation have held them back?

Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's ex-CEO, famously laughed at the iPhone. Most people forget that Microsoft was even in the mobile game before Apple with Windows Mobile; but...’s Rocky Mirza: We’re more of an ‘anti-social network’

This week I got to speak with Rocky Mirza, the co-founder of an ambitious search engine called “” which can allow you to get your message to anyone – yes, anyone.

Occasionally you come across projects which could potentially revolutionise how we get in touch with people, and this is exactly one of these types of startups.

The core idea is to place a “Bounty” on someone you’d like to get in touch with, and how much you’re...

Is Social Media putting extra strain on marketers?

Where most of us think of social media as a way of easily reaching out to friends and family, for marketers, it’s a powerful tool for engaging new audiences. A report from marketing production services firm Charterhouse however, shows extra strain being put on departments.

In fact, two thirds of marketers agree that this new generation of marketing channels such as social media has created more work for their department.

Most of the pressure appears to be from increased...

Looking to improve your commercial performance? Get FTSE 350 Social

We can probably all think of times we’ve received great customer service; moments which stand-out, will be remembered, and walked away feeling our opinion matters, has influence, and has been dealt with to the best of a third party’s ability.

A new study by Sitecore, a leading web content and customer experience management software company, shows those companies which employ a “personal touch” perform better commercially.

The report looks into FTSE 350...

Microsoft tries to gain back Windows 8 ad trust with Ad Pano

Nearly two months ago I’d written an article on our sister site DeveloperTech how Windows 8 developers were not being paid for their in-app advertisements, and how it was affecting their finances. Now Microsoft could be trying to restore trust and rival Apple’s “iAds” with Ad Pano.

The platform which enables this new interactive advertising is even reminiscent of the iAd platform, but available on any screen where Windows 8 is installed.


Google Glass is ‘the next iPhone’ says analyst, prime for marketing?

Wearable computing has taken headlines by storm recently; from wrist-based such as the Kickstarter-success Pebble, to those sitting on your nose like Google’s Glass. Amid concerns and “fashion” issues; many wondered whether these devices would take off, alongside privacy concerns.

Well it looks like it will, it looks like it will be big, and due to the popularity we’re left thinking how it could be great for some innovative marketing.

According to a...

Microsoft rewarding users for watching TV? Count me in!

From Microsoft’s initial introduction of the Xbox 360, the team wished to be the “360 [degree] entertainment hub for your home.”

This vision far succeeded where others fell short; taking a vast library of content services and mixing them with incredible games.

Alongside this version of the best-selling console came an “achievements” feature, the undisputed way of bragging to friends of your accomplishments and spurring them to do...